导师姓名 |
张天悦 |
职务/职称 |
副研究员 |
博士招生专业 |
140100集成电路科学与工程 |
学术型硕士招生专业 |
140100集成电路科学与工程 |
专业型硕士招生专业 |
085403集成电路工程 |
联系电话 |
办公地点 |
科研楼106 |
邮箱 |
tianyue_zhang@bupt.edu.cn |
围绕光学衍射极限这一核心科学问题,长期致力于纳米光学技术、光场调控、突破光学衍射极限的超分辨成像检测方面的研究,研究成果在精密光学成像,集成光电子芯片高精度量检测方面有着重要的应用前景。已发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Advanced Optical Materials, Photonic Research等;主持和参与国家自然科学基金,广东省科学基金等,获授权发明专利3项。
1. Zhang T#, Che Y#, Chen K, Xu J, Xu Y, Wen T, Lu G, Liu X, Wang B, Xu X, Duh Y, Tang Y, Han J, Cao Y, Guan B, Chu S*. Li X*. Anapole mediated giant photothermal nonlinearity in nanostructured silicon. Nat Commun 11, 3027 (2020).
2. Che, Y.; Zhang, T.#*; Shi, T.; Deng, Z.-L.; Cao, Y.; Guan, B.-O.; Li, X*. Ultrasensitive Photothermal Switching with Resonant Silicon Metasurfaces at Visible Bands. Nano Lett. 24 (2), 576-583, (2024). (Supplementary Cover)
3. Wang B, Che Y, Zhong X, Yan W, Zhang T*, Chen K, Xu Y, Xu X, Li X*. Cylindrical vector beam revealing multipolar nonlinear scattering for superlocalization of silicon nanostructures. Photonics Research 9, 950-957 (2021).
4. Zhang, T.*; Wang, Z.; Zhong, X.; Che, Y.; Li, X*. Photothermal nonlinear scattering of shell-isolated gold nanoparticles and applications in super-resolution imaging. Chinese Optics Letters 21 (10), 103601, (2023). (Cover paper)
5. Xu J#, Zhang T#, Yang S, Feng Z, Li H, Hu D, Qin F, Ouyang X, Cao Y, Jiang L, Li X*. Plasmonic Nanoprobes for Multiplexed Fluorescence-Free Super-Resolution Imaging. Adv Opt Mater 6, 1800432 (2018). (Cover paper)
6. Wang B, Shi J, Zhang T*, Xu X, Cao Y, Li X*. Improved lateral resolution with an annular vortex depletion beam in STED microscopy. Opt Lett 42, 4885-4888 (2017).
7. Zhang, X.*; Hu, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhou, L.; Zhang, Z.; Yuan, Y.; Zhou, X.; Wang, H.; Wu, C.; Xie, F.; Xie, B.; Zhang, T.*; Liu J*. Unidirectional scattering induced by magnetic dipoles in core–shell nanostructures. Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2), 321-326, (2024).
8. Zhang T*, Xu J, Deng Z-L, Hu D, Qin F*, Li X. Unidirectional Enhanced Dipolar Emission with an Individual Dielectric Nanoantenna. Nanomaterials 9, 629, (2019).
9. Zhang T*, Li X, Xu J, Zhang X, Deng Z-L, Li X. Subwavelength Silicon Nanoblocks for Directional Emission Manipulation. Nanomaterials 10, 1242 (2020).
10. Tang, Y.-L.; Yen, T.-H.; Nishida, K.; Li, C.-H.; Chen, Y.-C.; Zhang, T.; Pai, C.-K.; Chen, K.-P.; Li, X.; Takahara, J.; et al. Multipole engineering by displacement resonance: a new degree of freedom of Mie resonance. Nat. Commun. 14 (1), 7213, (2023).
11. Tang, Y.-L.; Yen, T.-H.; Nishida, K.; Takahara, J.; Zhang, T.; Li, X.; Fujita, K.; Chu, S.-W.*, Mie-enhanced photothermal/thermo-optical nonlinearity and applications on all-optical switch and super-resolution imaging [Invited]. Opt. Mater. Express, 11 (11), 3608-3626, (2021).
12. Liu, X.; Xia, X.; Yao, Z.; Zhang, T.; Jiang, M.; Yang, Q.; Li, X.; Cao, Y.*, Theoretical and practical guide for an axial superresolved focus via Gouy phase steering. Photonics Research, 10 (11), 2502-2512, (2022).
13. Ouyang X, Qin F, Ji Z, Zhang T, Xu J, Feng Z, Yang S, Cao Y, Shi K, Jiang L*, Li X*. Invited Article: Saturation scattering competition for non-fluorescence singlewavelength super-resolution imaging. APL Photonics 3, 110801 (2018).
14. Zhang T, Shen H, Lu G*, Liu J, He Y, Wang Y, Gong Q*. Single Bipyramid Plasmonic Antenna Orientation Determined by Direct Photoluminescence Pattern Imaging. Adv Opt Mater 1, 335-342 (2013). (Cover paper)
15. Zhang T, Lu G, Shen H, Shi K, Jiang Y, Xu D, Gong Q*. Photoluminescence of a single complex plasmonic nanoparticle. Sci Rep 4, 3867 (2014).